Friday, February 14, 2014

Weebly Wix WordPress

In music technology this week we are looking at websites which we can use to create our own websites.  We are planning to use these websites to display the work we do in music technology.  I tried out three websites to create a website: WeeblyWix, and Wordpress.  Each of these three websites had advantages and disadvantages.

Wordpress seemed a great tool.  It was easy to use and free.  The format of Wordpress though, wasn't really a website as much as it was a blog.  Since I think that I would be better off with a website than a blog (since I already have this Blogger), I chose not to use Wordpress and instead to look at other tools which may be better for creating a website.

The next site I looked at was Wix.  It was very clear after only five minutes of looking at Wix that it was more of website creating site and less of a blogging site than Wordpress was.  Wix offered many different types of websites for me to use.   Each of them had its own design and was easily customizable.  The templates though, were, for the most part just a little bit to complicated for my purposes.  Since I am just learning and I don't expect the website I create to be overly large, I felt that the templates offered by Wix didn't quite fit my needs.  I knew though that if I didn't find anything better, Wix would suit my website creating needs just fine.

The final website creating tool I tried out was Weebly.  Weebly was great.  The first thing Weebly asked when I began creating my site was whether I was looking to create a website or a blog site.  I chose to create a website and quickly found that, like Wix, Weebly offered many different templates which I could choose from.  Also, just like Wix, some of the templates and some features of Weebly cost money, but I was able to design a site for free.  The reason I chose Weebly over Wix is that while both offer many templates for the design of my website, I liked those offered by Weebly more than those offered by Wix.  I thought that the templates offered by Weebly were simpler and better looking.

So I spent a long time trying to figure out a name for my website but I couldn't figure out one.  I looked all over the web to find a tool to help me come up with a creative name but in the end I couldn't find one which was at all useful.  I did however find this nice resource which told about domain names: Tips on Domain Names

In the end I just looked around my desk and added "Sound" and "Record company" to the end of just about everything I saw.  I came up with Folder Recording, Pencil Sounds, Eraser Recording Company, but finally settled on Two Dollar Sound when I saw a two dollar bill sitting on my desk.  Its possible I might change this name.

Here is the link to my website and production company: Two Dollar Sound

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Project 2

This semester we are starting a new project so I'm going to try something different.  Using the program Popplet I created this layout of my plan for this semesters project.

The yellow box is the central goal/final product of the project around which I constructed my ideas.